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Friday, January 30, 2004
THE SEARCH GOES ON...: Aha, they finally think they've got some sort of proof that Saddam managed to carry on with a weapons programme once we stopped flogging them to him, then? Tony Blair was delighted to chill the blood of his MPs with the news that while it turns out there was nothing that was an actual, present risk to anyone very much, Saddam was working on the wherewithall to develop ricin.

Right. Well, ricin is nasty stuff, it's true. But hold on a moment - back when Blunkett was crowing about the 'terrorists' arrested in Manchester, weren't we told that was so frightening about ricin was all you needed was pretty much some castor oil seeds and a metal bowl? So is Tony telling us that after months of seeking, they've found some lentils and a bath-tub?
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