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Thursday, June 10, 2004
PROVEN BY SCIENCE: What do you do when facts get in the way? You ignore, them, of course - 60 scientists, one third of whom are Nobel laureates, have accused Bush of censoring, supressing and disbanding in a bid to keep a lid on scientific advice with which it disagrees (i.e. anything that doesn't say "drill for oil anywhere you choose."

One example cited in the report involves the suppression of an Environmental Protection Agency study that found the bipartisan Senate Clear Air bill would do more to reduce mercury contamination in fish and prevent more deaths than the administration's proposed Clear Skies Act.

Does it matter? Well, yes:

Translating the ramifications of data suppression into human lives, the scientists said that if the first President Bush and former President Richard Nixon had similarly allowed politics to overrule science, more than 200,000 deaths and millions of respiratory and cardiovascular disease cases would not have been prevented with the signing of the original Clean Air Act and its 1990 amendments.
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