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Wednesday, September 15, 2004
PROTESTING IS MORE FUN THAN PARENTING: Actually, it seems, Jason Hatch, the batman protest guy is so busy with his stunts, he can't actually make time for his own kids:

As Jason Hatch walked out of a police cell yesterday it was surprising, then, to find his current girlfriend complaining that his commitment to protesting for fathers' rights meant he had little time for their seven-month-old daughter - the youngest of his four children by three different women.
Gemma Polson, 27, suggested the strain on her relationship with Mr Hatch from his activities was so great that the couple had separated.
"We're not together anymore. It was all going too far," she said. "Fathers4Justice has taken over his life. He was seeing hardly anything of our daughter which was a bit rich when the whole point of his campaign was to allow dads to see more of their children. I'd just rather he saw more of Amelia."
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