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Sunday, September 05, 2004
REMAIN AFRAID, CITIZEN: We're far from certain why on earth - asked about the school attack in Russia - John Reid would start to mutter about how they'll be coming after us, as if Blair's managed to piss off the Chechens, too. Reid - minister for Casandraism - claims that he's had no doubts for "many years" that "they" (terrorists, of course) "will attempt to strike us here." If he's had this feeling for many years, how come the government he's in only started to protect themselves with big blocks around a couple of years ago? Meanwhile, the Tories - usually the first to complain at the costs involved in reshuffling government departments - are calling for A UK Department of Homeland Security - presumably so that in future the ''I is gonna chills your blood" statements can come from one single minister designated to keep the public in a state of compliant fear, rather than from a range of department heads.
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