After the last four years, I couldn't think of any reason to be keen to see the re-election of Tony Blair. This weekend, though, I have inspired and energised to actually actively campaign for his re-election and to see your nasty, racist party consigned to the past.
How dare you appear on Today and prattle that "communities" cannot absorb newcomers? I don't know if it even occurs to you how many families in the modern world are comprised of people who come from more than just the next village.
My wife is American-born, and she has had no trouble being absorbed into the communities in which we live and work. I'm sorry you feel that her tax contributions are some sort of drain on the economy.
I'm sorry that someone who has a family which has benefitted from this nation's openess and welcoming attitude to those in need of shelter should sink to playing the race card. Would you have had people counting during the 1940s to make sure that we didn't let "too many" of those fleeing Hitler get past Dover?
You have no honour; no feeling; and I hope that your desperate and squalid little ploy leaves you with no MPs.