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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
MORALPANICWATCH: In America, a Homer Simpson officiates at gay weddings, and Parents Television Council president L Brent Bozell rushes to the photocopier:

"At a time when the public mood is overwhelmingly against gay marriage, any show that promotes gay marriage is deliberately bucking the public mood."

Yes, it's about time The Simpsons stopped being a sitcom and settled down into accurately depicting "the public mood" instead. That's right, L.

Meanwhile, in India, the general secretary of the Catholic Secular Forum (we're not quite sure what that would be, but we've checked Leviticus and there's no injunction against oxymorons) is upset by a film which shows a priest having an affair:

"Religion needs to be a personal affair and should not be a subject for entertainment or for commercial use," Joseph Dias, general secretary of the Catholic Secular Forum, said in a statement.

Now, while it's a pleasing thought - we could march on the US Networks demanding the withdrawal of the blaspehmous Touched By An Angel - it's interesting that Dias is protesting against a movie as a disgusting commercialisation of religion rather than, say, stores like Catholic Supply, which really do commercialise religion. (The after-Christmas clearance sale is on there now, by the way).

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