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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
MAKING AN ELECTION POINT OUT OF A TRAGEDY: Of course the death of a newborn baby is awful, but we're a little puzzled by one aspect of the Sun leader on the subject:

And yet, inexplicably, tiny Luke caught the bug in The Ipswich Hospital. Tests have failed to find the source of the infection.

So... it's not actually in any way clear that poor cleaning on the part of the hospital was the cause - indeed, if it was, wouldn't that have been pretty easy for tests to discover?

Of course hospital cleaning needs to be sorted out - one of the great shames on Labour's record is that they didn't reverse the ridiculous Tory sell-off of cleaning contracts for hospitals - but there isn't actually any proof that it's the slapdash nature of most of the firms creaming profits out of NHS cleaning contracts who are to blame here.
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