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Wednesday, January 04, 2006
TESCO RESPONDS We've had an email from Tesco about their plans to build over some of the green space at the top of Rose Lane in Liverpool:

In response to your question regarding the expansion of our store on Mather Avenue.
First of all it should be pointed out that the open space we are building on is not "green space" is already developed on with hardstanding astro turf pitches. These pitches are in poor condition and will be replaced nearby with new state of the art pitches for the benefit of the university students and local sports teams.

Tesco has also made significant improvements to the overall scheme based on feedback from local residents and the council, these include: planting over 200 new trees, increasing landscaping around the store, reducing the size of the extension by 6m and improving pedestrian access and safety.

That email came from someone at Tesco called Shaun Edgeley - although, confusingly, it claims at the bottom that The views expressed in this email are those of the sender and not Tesco. Which seems to be a bit of a waste of time - we want to know the corporate response, rather than something that comes with built-in pre-deniability.

Anyway, we've responded:

Slightly disingenuous, there - while i appreciate the hockey pitches themselves are astroturf, they are surrounded by natural grass; and isn't the land the pitches are being relocated to currently green space?

The very fact even Tesco sees the need to increase landscaping around the store indicates that you're aware its going to be a blot on the landscape.

Why do you need a larger store there, anyway? It's already soullessly big, and there's a massive store quite close by, isn't there?

As ever, we'll let you know.
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