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Monday, February 20, 2006
WELL DONE, WE'VE BOMBED OURSELVES: How goes the war on terror? It turns out that not only was the bombing of Baghdad using depleted uranium an inhuman act which will cause suffering for Iraqis, but it's also going to cause suffering for the British and Europeans too - University of Liverpool research has found that the shelling has boosted radiation across the continent:

Mr Busby's report found higher levels were recorded at the five sites nine days after the start of the Iraq conflict on March 19, 2003.

It says that weather conditions at the time recorded a northbound airflow from Iraq which also resulted in substantial deposits of sand from the Sahara Desert being dumped on British soil.

Mr Busby, who is a founding member of the Green Audit environmental group, says the findings are proof that uranium from munitions was carried to Britain by wind currents.

He believes official claims that the uranium is not harmful are misleading.

Mr Busby said: "The point is that it is radioactive.

"If you contaminate enough people, even at a low risk then clearly it is going to have an effect on them.

"It is contrary to human rights to contaminate whole populations with a substance that could potentially harm their health."

There is, at least, something poetic about the idea of Tony Blair and his family breathing in radioactive dust he was happy to have dumped on Iraqi families.
nice i like this blog posts thanks for sharing hope you will be post more informative information here.
nice i like this blog posts thanks for sharing hope you will be post more informative information here.
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