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Thursday, August 03, 2006
EVERY LITTLE HELPS: There aren't many places which would welcome a new Tesco superstore, but Gillmoss on Merseyside has had its arms wide opened. Tesco had been part of a scheme that would have seen some blighted housing razed and rebuilt around a gleaming new shop. Everyone would be happy, and at long last the oft-repeated Tesco claim that communities around its outlets welcome the addition of the retailing behemoth would have a grain of truth to it.

Except now that Everton have indicated plans to build a new stadium not far away, Tesco have changed their mind, pulling out the scheme, apparently - although they're not commenting either way - to concerntrate on the more lucrative partnership with the football club and leaving the 100 families who'd moved out to make way for the development in limbo. A further 20 families who were waiting for relocation are now stuck in a near-derelict estate surrounded by vandalism and without much hope.

Still, at least Tesco have lightened their own load.
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