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Sunday, August 20, 2006
THINGS ARE OUT OF WHACK: How odd is it when it's the Tory "homeland security" spokesperson who, despite his TERRORTERROR job title, actually talks sense when the current government-stoked fear starts to turn to random racism:

Two men were taken off a flight bound for Manchester after some passengers became alarmed about what they regarded as suspicious behaviour.

People on the Airbus 320 at Malaga alerted staff and demanded their removal, Monarch Airlines said.

Two men, reported to be of Asian or Middle Eastern appearance, were questioned for several hours.

The Conservative homeland security spokesman, Patrick Mercer, described the incident as "a victory for terrorists".

"These people on the flight have been terrorised into behaving irrationally," he told the Mail on Sunday.

"For those unfortunate two men to be victimised because of the colour of their skin is just nonsense."

Brilliant. John Reid's created a world where everyone gets a chance to play with the sus laws.
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