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Friday, April 13, 2007
Compare and Contrast
Republican Jon Kyl, talking about plans to subpoena the Attorney General Alberto Gonzales over the sackings of the eight attorneys:

"It is a bad precedent to be subpoenaing the attorney general," he said, "I think it's clear that some people would view it purely as a political exercise."

Republican Jon Kyl, talking about his support for the impeachement of Bill Clinton:

"What is striking about this case is the President's persistent, sustained, carefully calculated, deliberate and callous manipulation of the judicial process for over a year...

An acquittal in this case will make it much harder to deal properly with similar conduct in the future. We will be hard pressed to perpetuate a double standard, so the lowest common denominator of conduct will be established as the permissible norm. And this cannot help but weaken the ability of courts to enforce truth-telling and prevent obstruction of justice. "

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